Biofield Tuning sessions can be conducted from a distance and many have found it to be a wonderful tool in helping build resilience.
Recipient Testimonials

Biofield Tuning Recipient
"I am really delighted to be recommending Biofield Tuning... I've been tracking the evolution of the sound healing field for a number of years now and of all (the modalities) I've come into contact with (Biofield Tuning) is far and away the most well researched, the most complete and... the most effective."

Karen Leland
Author - The Brand Mapping Strategy: Design, Build & Accelerate Your Brand
Biofield Tuning Recipient
"Eileen’s grounded approach to sound healing, her extensive knowledge of the biofield and her straightforward and compassionate approach make her unique. Her work with me has helped clear the path for my most productive and satisfying future."

Marci Shimoff
Author - Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
Biofield Tuning Recipient & Student
"I have had the great fortune of having Eileen work on me, individually and in groups, and I have taken her training, and what I love about this work is that it’s simple, it’s easy and it’s deeply, deeply powerful. I am shouting from the rooftops how great this work is and I highly recommend you learn more about it and experience the work."

Kerri MacDonald
Biofield Tuning Practitioner
Biofield Tuning Recipient
"...Receiving Biofield Tuning has been a beautiful experience for me. My first session left me feeling in a state of relaxation for two weeks! A particularly memorable session was when I had an area of inflammation the size of a golfball from a hockey injury... almost completely vanish during the session. ...Every session is different and every session is cumulative. I feel better in my skin and more empowered than ever before and I can say Biofield Tuning has contributed to that."

Biofield Tuning Recipient
"Recently, I had the good fortune to receive an audio Biofield Tuning session as part of a Biofield Tuning training class. Despite the fact I was miles away from the practitioner and connected by telephone, it was perhaps one of the most profound experiences I have had in my life.
After the session, I had an overwhelming sense of happiness and belonging. I hadn't realized how "out of tune" I was until afterwards; the next few days I was singing and dancing around the house. Since then I have retained the sense of happiness and belonging and my physical energy has increased quite remarkably. Believe me, there are definitely more sessions in my future!"

Richard Quinn
Filmmaker & Artist
Biofield Tuning Recipient
"In my work as an artist and filmmaker there are days when I'm just "stuck" and my creative juices are not flowing. Biofield Tuning has had a profound influence on my mind, body and work. It has helped clear roadblocks in my consciousness, loosen stuck energies, restore my physical vitality and open my mind to new possibilities and approaches. Thank you, Biofield Tuning, for enhancing my life and my future in countless ways."