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Discovering the Biofield Anatomy

Eileen Day McKusick

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

My explorations of the biofield (the weak magnetic field that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body) began by accident, as many things do.

Curious by nature, I have always had a tendency to plow through books, reading everything I can on any subject I’m interested in. Back in 1996, I became interested in vibrational healing - using sound, music and color for healing- and went out and got as many books as I could find on the subject. As I was nearing the end of my stack, I received a catalog in the mail that was selling a set of “tuning forks for healing.” Intrigued, I ordered them on impulse.

On the side of my vocation as a restaurant owner, I began using unweighted tuning forks over the clients of my part time massage practice. Early on, I made the discovery that there were areas around the body where the fork became quite loud, and that there seemed to be “more energy” in these places. I observed that I could actually move these “loud spots” with my tuning fork, like one might use a magnet to move iron filings.

Since I was working with chakras, which are energy centers, it seemed to me that it should be loud over the chakra, and so I developed a practice of finding loud spots over different parts of the body and then doing what I called “click, drag and drop” - moving the loud spot to the center or chakra.

Eileen McKusick practicing Biofield Tuning

I continued to do this simple process of working with loud spots directly over the body, as sort of a hobby, when on one fateful day in 2005, I discovered something that changed the path of my work and ultimately my life.

On this day, I discovered loud spot about 2.5 feet from the side of a client’s neck. I wasn’t quite sure what to do about it but had the sense that since other loud spots had been happy making their way back to the chakras, and since I had seen that be very helpful for people, I would click drag and drop it into her throat chakra. This felt very strange to do, but she called me the next day and told me that all her symptoms of discomfort had resolved.

After this particular incident, I became very curious about the space around the body, and I began to work from as far away from my clients as I could in my treatment room. Over the next three years, the structure that we call the Biofield Anatomy would reveal itself to me as I pinged the atmosphere around the human body like sonar, and listened to the ping back.

This exploration revealed a territory similar to the earth’s atmosphere. There seemed to be an

outer boundary that had more charge - when I encountered it it felt like I was hitting resistance, and the fork would vibrate more strongly.

The boundary of the earth’s magnetosphere is a double layer plasma membrane that contains the earth’s atmosphere - and I found that our fields also seemed to have this same kind of structure.

Additionally, just like the earth’s atmosphere, the human atmosphere also becomes more dense as we get closer to the surface of the body. This can also be detected by the pressure one feels through the forks.

In addition to the outer boundary, I also began recognizing structures within the field itself. Though this process felt sort of like a blind fumble in the dark with momentary flashes of illumination, I learned that each emotion had a specific frequency and tonal quality.

I could actually hear the emotion in the overtones and undertones expressed through the fork and even more startling, I noticed that these emotions had a tendency to show up in the same zones, no matter who I was working on.

The more clients I had, the more it became apparent that whenever the body generated a particular emotional tone, it seemed to store it in a particular area. For example, I kept finding a tone evocative of sadness off the left shoulder, a sense of worry about the future off the left side of the head and tones that sounded like anger off the right side of the solar plexus.

I also observed that there was a timeline aspect of the field - in fact, what I discovered was that the magnetic field around the body seemed to be what we call our mind, and that it held all our memories, encoded vibrationally in a very specific format.

The memories I found at the outer edge of the field, about 5-6 feet away from the body, appeared related to gestation and birth, while memories close to the body were recently generated, with everything else falling in between in an equidistant kind of way, like rings in a tree.

I found I could pinpoint very specific memories this way, sort of dig them out of the subconscious mind, and then decipher them by listening deeply to the subtle nuances of the changing sounds.

This anatomy showed itself to be a constant and uniform between individuals. And as the years have gone by and more and more students have learned this work, the hypothesis has been consistent time and time again.

Many students are amazed at their ability to find areas of trauma and resistance in the field right off the bat and are equally surprised by their ability to determine accurate ages for the origin of this trauma, simply from working from the map.

We say that the Biofield Anatomy is not carved in stone and that because the field is holographic, anything can really appear anywhere, but the model is useful for helping practitioners and clients alike in recognizing, releasing and modulating patterns of resistance and charge in their bodies, minds and lives.

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